Scheduling Confirmation Page - Schruba - Headington Institute Skip to content

You are Scheduled

with Dr. Alice Schruba

To reschedule or cancel, please use the link in your calendar invite.

You will be receiving an automated email from our clinical database to sign our informed consent/intake forms shortly.

More About Dr. Schruba

Dr. Alice Schruba is a licensed clinical psychologist with a background in serving individuals and groups experiencing acute and chronic stressors, burnout, substance abuse, and grief and loss. Her clinical interests surround values clarification, meaning-making, resilience, assessment, and spiritual and psychological well-being following disasters. She enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and exploring nature preserves with her dog.

If you would like to contact Dr. Schruba ahead of time, please email her at:


To reschedule or cancel, 

please use the link in your calendar invite 


copy and paste the correct one below into your web browser: